Whitney Farnsworth Personal Trainer

NASM and SITA Certified

As an HAES-aligned, Size Inclusive Specialist I offer a private, safe space where I encourage you to work with your body, not against it.

I offer judgment-free, weight-neutral support where I customize healthy movement patterns for your fitness goals and injury history.

My personal training philosophy is influenced by my breaking free from chronic disordered eating, punishing exercise, and damaging criticism that spanned decades. I have always been in a bigger body according to societal standards and know what it feels like to chastise myself to fit into those societal “norms.”

Finally, with more midlife insight and therapy I decided to stop chasing small and chase strong. That decision ushered in healing and compassion. Joyful movement is a somatic experience bridging the gap between mind and body. Increased physical and mental fortitude increases embodied awareness. Embodied awareness helps us access and metabolize emotion and lean more towards the wisdom of our bodies.

When I decided to stop chasing small and chase strong; I began a journey of deep love and acceptance for the body I've been given. I believe women in bigger bodies are underserved in the fitness world and my passion lies in empowering women to access their strength and athleticism.

Additionally, I made an impactful investment in myself by hiring a personal trainer. I gained an empathetic witness who championed my growing resilience and helped me find joy in movement. I desire to be that for you.

Diet Culture: a set of beliefs that values thinness, appearance, and shape above health and wellness. It will often conflate thinness with health.

Diet culture is harmful to people of all sizes. Compulsive exercise & food restriction are risk factors to mental health. Not only does diet culture perpetuate eating disorders, but it pollutes food's purpose: to nourish us physically and emotionally.

Now STOP. Take a breath...

...and validate how normal the desire for weight loss & thinness is in diet culture. Deconstructing internal diet culture needs neutral curiosity and self-compassion. #noshame

Studies show that intentional weight loss is unsustainable

95% of the time (and many gain back more weight than they lost). (HAES)

"Health At Every Size is a model of care that addresses physical and mental wellness for everyone, regardless of body size or current health status. HAES acknowledges that well-being and healthy habits are more important than any number on the scale." (HAES)

Weight is NOT synonymous with HEALTHY.

Chat with me!

Take the first step in your journey of unlearning diet culture.